ELANA MARTE ADLER                                                                                                                                          168 NEAL ST UNIT 7, PORTLAND, ME 04102

                                                                                                                                                     elanamadler@gmail.com  914.393.9534

www.elanamarteadler.com www.adlerandfloyd.com




2017 MFA Fiber & Material Studies, School of the Arts Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL 2008 BFA Textiles, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI


2025 Vermont Studio Center, Full Fellowship, Johnson, VT (upcoming)

2024. Hewnoaks Artist Residency, Lovell, ME

2023. Surf Point Foundation Residency, York, ME

2022 Haystack Open Studio Residency, Deer Isle, ME

2020 Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT (canceled part way due to Covid-19)

2018-2019 Jewish Artists Fellowship, Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership, Chicago, IL

2018       Monson Art Residency, Monson, ME 2017-2018 Hatch Projects Resident, Chicago Artists Coalition, Chicago, IL

2016 Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT

2016       Summer Conference at Haystack Mountain School, Deer Isle, ME

2015 The Wassaic Project, Wassaic, NY

2014   Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT



Pattern And Process, Maine MILL, Maine Museum for Innovation, Learning, and Labor, Lewiston, ME


OFF GRID, Space Gallery, Portland, ME As We Are, a group exhibition that highlights emerging and mid-career artists in Maine, The Portland Museum of Art, Portland, ME Wild Light, curated by Lights Out Gallery at Hewnoaks, Lovell, ME


The Last Season on Earth, 2023 Faculty Triennial, ICA at MECA&D, Portland , ME ARTPM 2023 Year 14, Buoy Gallery, Kittery, ME To Through, solo show at Buoy Gallery, Kittery, ME  Viewfinder, Portland Public Library, Portland, ME Green Noise, G-CADD, Granite City, IL


Regarding the Missing Objects, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL     ARTPM 2022 Year 13, Buoy Gallery, Kittery, ME Periwinkle, Zand Head and Friedman Galleries , Portland, ME Admissions Art Show for Faculty & Staff, MECA&D, Portland, ME


Weavings: Exact Color of Doubt, Duckfat Restaurant, Portland, ME Calicornicopia 10, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn, NY The Wonder in the Wander, New Marlborough Meeting House Gallery, New Marlborough, MA Out of Place Out of Bounds, Artworks Center for Contemporary Arts, Loveland, Colorado Summer Selection Plus, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn, NY Collaborative Exhibition with Borderline Arts Collective, Museo Eduardo Carrillo, https://museoeduardocarrillo.org/


Planning the Site, Sistered, New Systems Exhibitions, Portland, ME  


Out of Context, Chicago Artist Coalition, Chicago, IL Featured Artist and Solo Show, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 
Chicago Jewish Artists Fellowship Exhibition, Spertus Gallery, Chicago, IL (upcoming)


12 Openings, Compound Yellow, Oak Park, IL
Gold, Aspect/Ratio, Chicago, IL
Disentangled, Borderline Art Collective, San Fransisco, CA Colossal Gap, Chicago Artist Coalition, Chicago, IL
Dangerous Professors, Flatland Gallery, Houston, TX
Memory Palace, Circle Contemporary/ Arts of Life Inc., Chicago, IL Egresswasm 3, Chase Public, Cincinnati, OH


Homemakers of Tomorrow, Silent Funny, Chicago, IL MFA Show, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago, IL Calicornicopia 6, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn, NY


Can You Spit On Someone You Love, Good Lil’ Base, Chicago, IL
Films For Ecstasy, Leroy Neiman Center, Chicago, IL
Value In Flux, exhibition and lecture, Sharp Exhibition Space, Chicago, IL


Uncanny Home of our Imagination, Nave Annex Gallery, Summerville, MA For the Love of the Liminal, exhibition and lecture, Sharp Exhibition Space, Chicago, IL
Calicornicopia 4, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn, NY Correspondence, Westbeth Gallery, New York, NY


Calicornicopia 3, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn, NY ArtVsCraft, Wyckoff Starr, Brooklyn, NY
Windows 14, Northern-Southern, Austin, TX
Shape Scapes, curator and artist, Brooklyn, NY Inaugural Show, Harbor Gallery, New York, NY Uncertain Landscapes, Wyckoff Starr, Brooklyn, NY


All Together Now, Fowler Arts Collective, Brooklyn, NY Bushwick Open Studios, Brooklyn, NY
To Preserve + Protect, Booklyn Art Gallery, Brooklyn, NY Static, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn, NY Artspace64: Natural Elements, Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY


Calicornipoia, An Exhibition of Small Works, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn, NY Year Two: A Postcard Exhibition, Fowler Arts Collective, Brooklyn, NY Garden Chase, Wyckoff Starr, Brooklyn, NY
Exhibit B, Calico Gallery, Brooklyn NY Potluck Art Series, Goforaloop Gallery and Studios, San Fransisco, CA Exquisite Show, curator and artist, Fowler Arts Collective, Brooklyn, NY Obsessions, Brooklyn Fireproof, Brooklyn, NY
Early Works, four pieces on view 2005-2012, Hospital of Special Surgery, New York, NY


You are my duchess: A Personal Anthology (May 2009-January 2011), Wyckoff Starr, Brooklyn NY


From the Tongue, Lotus Salon and Gallery, New York, NY


Senior RISD Textiles Exhibition, Woods Gerry Gallery, Providence, RI Senior RISD Textiles Exhibition, Carr House, Providence, RI


Textiles Triennial, Woods Gerry Gallery, Providence, RI 


2023 Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants 2020 Illinois Arts Council Grant


  • ‘Chicago Artists Coalition Presents OUT OF CONTEXT Review– Cultural Symbols Unplugged,’Samantha Sylvander, Picture this Post, January 9, 2019 (https://www.picturethispost.com/chicago-artists-coalition-presents-out-of-context-review/)

  • ‘Winter preview: The most anticipated Chicago art exhibitions,’ KT Hawbacker, Chicago Tribune, Dec 20, 2018 (https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-ae-winter-preview-art-0106-story.html)

  • ‘Reducing Street Harassment To ‘Women’s Work,’’ Emanuella Grinberg, October 29, CNN, (http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/28/living/elana-adler-duchess- samplers/) 

  • ‘Artist Cross Stitches Catcalls’, Lorraine Rubio, October 27, ArtNet,
    ( http://news.artnet.com/in-brief/artist-cross-stitches-catcalls-141460)              

  • ‘Brooklyn Artist Transforms Catcalls Into Cross Stitch’, Vanessa Haughton, October 23, New York Observer, (http://observer.com/2014/10/brooklyn-artist-transforms-catcalls-into-cross- stitch/)

  • ‘This Artist Turned Her Worst Catcalls Into Embroidery’, Victoria Hoff, October 22, Elle Magazine,(http://www.elle.com/news/culture/catcall-cross-stitch-elana-adler) 

  • ‘‘Hot damn, I could feast on you’: Artists turns catcalls into needlework’, Radhika Sanghani, October 22, The Telegraph, (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11177299/Hot- damn-I-could-feast-on- you-Artists-turns-catcalls-into-needlework.html)   

  • ‘14 Cross- Stitches of Catcalls One Woman Received In The Street’, Jo Barrow, October19, BuzzFeed, (http://www.buzzfeed.com/jobarrow/14-catcalls-that-have-been-turned-into- stunning-embroidery#2nx- cfje )     

  • ‘Artist Embroiders Catcalls Yelled At Her In The Street For Ingenious Cross- Stitch Project’, Rachel Moss, October 17, The Huffington Post UK, (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/10/17/artist-cross-stiches- catcalls-feminist_n_6002054.html)            

  • ‘Awesome Project: Deze Vrouw Maakt Kunst Van De Uitspraken Van Catcallers’, Bente, October 17, NSMBL, (http://www.nsmbl.nl/you-go-girl-deze-vrouw-maakt-kunst-van-de- uitspraken-van-catcallers/ )

  • ‘Feminist Artist Uses Needlework To Put Men’s Catcalls To Rest’, Katherine Brooks, The HuffingtonPost,October17, (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/17/elana-adler_n5999702.html? utm_hp_ref=arts)              

  • ‘Artfinder BOS Feature Top 12 Curated Picks’, Holly Shen Chavez, (https://www.artfinder.com/story/bushwick-art-scene/)        

  • The Beautification of Assault, Jason Stopa, NY Arts Magazine Vol. 17, p. 180, Summer